Love, the Power to Change the World

What makes us human is our capacity to love. Love is that quality that erases prejudice and moves us to forgive, gives us peace ofmind in a turbulent world, and keeps us sane.
Love sees broken souls and heals them. Love hears plaintive cries and answers. Love discerns a need and fulfills it. Love does not seecolor, race or features, love sees people.
Yes, we are imperfect. Our love is imperfect but the power of loveovershadows its imperfections. The power of love knows noboundaries, no walls. It holds no record of misgivings but believes in second chances.
Love does not ask for anything in return. It is at times aself-sacrificing gift but it is given freely. For when we give love and see the difference that one act of love can make, the feeling is priceless, indescribable.
And in that one moment, we get a glimpse of the power contained in each of us, the power, not to change the world, but to change apart of the world. And then we see the power of our love working in unison, the power to change the world.

Julie Le Gendre

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