10 reasons why we should smile

1.smile is a worship
2.you look much lovelier
3.you can get smile from the others
4.show your friendly
5.get the new friends
6.give a positive impression
7.cheer up yourself
8.make you more confident
9.lighten your load
10.activate the compound that make you more healthy


Actually, I hate to say these
But my heartbreak force me to do it

You have been engaged, but you give a chance
You are a cute, simple and beautiful girl
But you do not know that you have hurt my heart

Your simplicity attitudes made me made a gaffe
First time I met and talking to you
I assumed that you had a special felling
But you did not comprehend your own behaviors
You did not know that your manners had broken my heart

After all, I know who you are
I hope you are the last girl that breaks my heart
If he is the best in your heart
Hopefully you get the happiness with him
Good bye…!

My room,12.30 am
August 19th 2008

Tory ariyanto
The easiest way to say Thanks

Have you ever felt difficult to say thank you to the people who help you? Sometimes you feel difficult and it is a hard thing or too lazy to say thanks to the people who help you. This feeling sometimes happen to us. Actually this word will not be difficult

The followings are some steps to make you easy to say thanks:

Step I. Thanks from heart
You have to accustom to saying thank you from your heart. Discipline is the key word to say it. It means you have to discipline your self to always say thanks to the people who help you. No matter how small the help is.

Step II. Using diary
Every night before sleeping, write in your diary three things, which will make you have to say thanks to the people who help you and make your life easier. On the next day, write again and again so it will become a new habit for you

Step III. Paying every help
After people give you help and attention, you should be accustomed to paying it with thanks right away. If you have a change you could help him/her too, although not in the same ways like his/her did. Remember to say thanks with a smile face!

Step IV. Using card
If you are creative enough, you can try to make a thank you card to the people who help you if you can not make it you can buy it in the store and give it. The people who help you will fell happy and surprised with your card so he/she will help you again and again.

Step V. Think positively
Accustomed your self to thinking positively with other people is gift or help, weather it is. For example if your mother gave you a shirt but you do not really like it, try to think positively about it. First try to give explanation to yourself that she was very serious to buy it and she only wants to make you happy. Second, try it and you can feel your mother is love.
See, it is easy to say thanks? Saying thank you seems so simple, but many people can not do it. If we say thanks, it means we respect other is help and attention. So, remember three words that can brighten our life: Help, Sorry and Thank you. Try to use these in your life accordingly.

Hello magazine

TOEFL Test Tips

To be comfortable with all sections of the test, spend as much time as you need with the tutorial for each timed section.To use the allotted time for each section wisely, familiarize yourself with how to use the computer and the types of materials, questions, and directions that are in the test. Become familiar with the formats and requirements of each section of the test as described in the tutorials.

The directions at the beginning of each section will tell you the total number of questions in the section and time allowed for the section. Read the directions carefully. They explain exactly what is required to answer each question type and can be reviewed as needed.
Read each question carefully and thoroughly. Before answering a question, determine exactly what is being asked. Always read and understand all possible answers. If you do not, you may miss important information.

Pace yourself so that you have enough time to answer every question. Pay attention to the number of questions and the amount of time remaining during your testing session. Do not spend too much time on a single question.

Answer every question in each section. This will allow you to get your best possible score.
You must answer each question in the Listening and Structure sections (the computer-adaptive sections) before you can go on to the next one. If you do not know the answer to a question, eliminate any answer choices that are obviously incorrect.

In Listening and Structure, confirm your answer only when you are certain you are ready to move on to the next question. You cannot omit questions or go back and change answers. In Reading, you will be allowed to go back and change your answers.
To prepare for the Writing section of the test, practice by using the Writing topics found in the TOEFL Information Bulletin. You will have 30 minutes to compose your assigned essay. You may either hand write your essay or type it on the computer.
